"I went out in Bristol to see what drugs were available and being used today, I found that Ketamin was amongst the most common, one of the cheapest and with some of the most intense and scary effects. After finding it's actually intended to be used as a horse tranquiliser, i took ketamin user 'Gruff' to a vetinary surgery to witness what effects a similar amount of Ketamin has on a horse."
I remember I was falling backwards, just falling, falling into this glistening blackness, and I was being asked if I was dead, I answered 'Yes, I think so' and then I thought of all I had 'left behind' and I think it made me cry, obviously I couldn't feel the tears, but I think I was crying, but then it went down a very bizzare turn, I felt a moment of this extreme, and I do mean intensely extreme, HATE. (...) I was standing looking at my mirror, and I tell you, looking at myself, I was seeing the most horrific demon I could have ever imagined, or I was seeing my thoughts as that demon.
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As my breath began to envelope space as I knew it, and as the physical self disappeared leaving only the mind (Buddha Consciousness), my entire being became saturated with a sense of well-being. Areas of conflict in my life appeared and resolutions were easily formed, and tensions, both physical and psychological, gave way as I examined my reaction to certain events. I felt that I was now part of an integrated whole. As external reality reappeared, I felt tranquil and elated. It seemed as if tons of mental baggage I had been carrying around had fallen free.
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